Cyril & Dorothy, Jill & Joel Reitman Centre for Alzheimer's Support and Training

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+1 416-586-4800
Fax: +1 416-586-3231

CARERS (Coaching, Advocacy, Respite, Education, Relationship, Simulation) Program is an 8 session weekly skills-based group for family caregivers. The focus is on practical skills based tools and emotional supports needed to provide care for family members with dementia. Sessions are run out of the Reitman Centre offices located at Mount Sinai Hospital and are covered by OHIP.

Population Served:

Family members of persons living with dementia

Catchment Area:


Service Category:

dementia specific
Support Groups for Caregivers


covered by OHIP

Hours of Operation

Mon-Fri 0830 - 1700hrs

Delivery Location:
At a clinic

Referral Information

Caregivers are welcome to self-refer or to be referred by a health care professional by calling 416-586-4800 ext. 5882 or emailing, or health professionals can fill out and send the referral form.

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