Home Maintenance and Repair

Humber Community Seniors' Services Inc.

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Fax: 416-249-4219
Email: info@humberseniors.org

Repairs and maintenance to a senior’s home, performed regularly, occassionally, or just once. May include: seasonal or heavy house cleaning, yard maintenance, snow shovelling and washing windows.

Population Served:

Seniors, adults with physical disabilities, persons who are chronically ill or convalescing.

Catchment Area:

Former City of York

Service Category:

Home maintenance and repair

Predominant Culture:



$385.00 per contract for the season May to November.
Hourly charge $25.00 per hour per worker for additional jobs not covered by contract.
Contact organization for further details.

Service Limitation:

Contract includes: lawn maintenance, hedge trimming, yard work and minor repair jobs. Service is available on a first-come-first-served basis with exception of lawn cutting, which is scheduled on a rotation basis.
Referrals can be made for painting, heavy cleaning, washing windows, eaves troughs, plumbing, roofing, heating and air conditioning, and electrical work.

1167 Weston Road
Toronto M6M 4P5
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