Occupational Therapy
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The practice of occupational therapy is the assessment of function and adaptive behaviour, and the treatment and prevention of disorders which affect function or adaptive behaviour to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment function in the areas of self care, productivity and leisure.
Adults and seniors experiencing memory loss or cognitive impairment who are currently receiving assistance at this clinic, their caregivers and other members of their support network
Open catchment area.
Occupational Therapy
Call 647-268-0620 for details.
The clinic has both OHIP and non-OHIP insured services. There is no special additional fee for this service. It is included in our initial non-OHIP fee of $950, which includes the comprehensive assessment detailed above. The fee to the client for the non-OHIP insured services is $850, payable at the feedback session. Clients with 3rd party insurance will be eligible for reimbursements.
A Home Safety and Functional Assessment from a registered Occupational Therapist is a routine component of our clinic, and offered to all clients.