Crisis Support and Assistance
Seniors Crisis Access Line (SCAL)
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Email: lindamorrison@saintelizabeth.comSupport and assistance for a senior in a crisis situation, including planning and coordinating other services. May develop into ongoing Case Management, with a follow-up plan to prevent further crises.
Persons with dementia, family caregivers, persons in need.
SCAL is a single point of access for seniors in mental health and addictions (MH&A) crisis who reside in the Toronto Central LHIN and are in need of immediate assistance in accessing supports that will help stabilizing the crisis.
Hwy 401 to Lake Ontario, Warden to Islington
Crisis support and assistance
No charge
SCAL is a partnership between 4 crisis services providers delivering services to the Toronto Central LHIN community.
Community Crisis Response Program ( Saint Elizabeth Health Care)
Crisis Outreach Services for Seniors – COSS ( Woodgreen Community)
Gerstein Crisis Centre.
Mobile Crisis Team – TSH ( Scarborough Hospital)
We provide assistance with the following:
Assistance in stabilizing age-related mental health and addiction crisis;
Risk /safety assessments;
Immediate referrals and linkages to community mobile crisis units;
Suicidal Thoughts;
Memory loss or wandering;
Self neglect;
Elder abuse concerns;
Life adjustment problems;
Support for family and caregivers.
Hours of Operation: Mon to Fri: 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Sat & Sun: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.