Education and training on dementia and related topics. This includes workshops for persons with dementia, their caregivers and for health care professionals. Fees may be applicable. This service does not include internal staff training.
Population Served:
Older adults with complex medical, cognitive and psychosocial needs, and their caregivers.
Catchment Area:
Metropolitan Toronto
Service Category:
Dementia specific education and training
Covered by OHIP.
Service Limitation:
Inpatient services:
Geriatric Psychiatry Service – Admissions Coordinator 416-597-3422 ext 3041
Geriatric Rehabilitation Service – Admissions Coordinator 416-597-3422 ext 3038
Outpatient Services:
Geriatric Day Hospital – Admissions Coordinator 416-597-3422 ext 3065
Geriatric Outreach Team – Admissions Coordinator 416-597-3422 ext 3041