A service designed to link the individual to appropriate services. Most community agencies provide this service to their clients or to individuals who call for assistance.
Population Served:
Persons with dementia, their caregivers, professionals, community.
Catchment Area:
Primary catchment area: Steeles Ave to Lake Ontario, Scarborough/Pickering Town Line to the Western Border which runs north along Yonge St from the Lakeshore to the Summerhill CPR tracks, veering east along the tracks to Victoria Park Ave and north along Victoria Park to Steeles Ave
Service Category:
Information and referral
Predominant Culture:
Tamil, Chinese, Indian
Free. Call Scotiabank Learning Centre – 416-285-3666 ext. 4177 for details.
Service Limitation:
Through RGP, Adult Day Program, Tamil Caregiver Project and Muslim Caregiver Project. For more information on: Tamil Caregiver Project call 416-285-3666 ext 4152 Muslim Caregiver Project call 416-285-3666 ext 4236